In the Beginning
“May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.”
2 Corinthians 13:14
Asking the question: “What if?”
Joy in Learning began with a lot of what if’s, listening and praying.
What if we provided opportunities for individuals to find and expand on their strengths through hands-on “play” activities?
What if we provided opportunities for individuals to share an interest as leaders and helpers?
What if we brought together children and adults from a wide variety of backgrounds and interests?
What if we partnered with ministries that Westminster was already supporting?
The start: Fall 2013
In the fall of 2013, we breathed in and began this wonderful ministry with:
3 classes: clay fun, cooking, crafts
3 Friday afternoons a month
3 leaders, 21 volunteers
21 children, K-4th grade (1/2 Westminster members and 1/2 community
In partnership with two ministries outside the church
Over the years, it has taken off: classes for Kindergartens through adults
More than 21 classes and activities
Year-round, various dates and times
150 volunteers in 2022
More than 2,000 participants (church members and community)
In partnership with more than 10 ministries outside the church
Ongoing: We continue to explore growing together in creative ways to reach our friends in and out of Westminster.